Friday, August 14, 2009

mid term exam week?..

salam…buat kawan2 selamat menghadapi mid term exam for this week..tadi exam land law..tapi hukhukk tak cukup masa…there are 4 Q’s but just answer 3 Q’s..masa tinggal stgh jam tapi de satu soalan besar yg masih belum d jawab.. mata laju jek baca soalan..soalan problematic..skimming n scanning soalan sambil mata sat sat tgk jam..tgk isshh de 20 minit lg tp ade satu soalan bsr lum jwb nih..tgk mark..aiyaa 15 marks….pe lg lpas draft2 section pe n kes ape yg relate tgn ni mula laju la menulis…tulis tulis tak brenti punye la nk kejar masa..tulisan tak tau jd cam pe dah..hrpkn ist n 2nd paragraph je cun pas tu tulisan mula la sat menari senget ke kanan sat menari senget ke kiri..ngeh ngeh haha..pepun cdey jekk tak cukup masa but overall puas hati gk la coz cases yg baca n topic2 yg di tekan kan masuk…syukur…tp buat madam kamila wati…doa2 moga lembut ati when marking the paper n not too strict la…harap2 jgn moody ye when marking my paper nanti coz tulisan ‘comeii’ sgt cam doktor skett..hihi..=)
jam da kul 12.52a.m da..esk klass kul 8 pg sampai kul 10 malam..hukhuk =(..esk memang ari kelass sedunia la..six hours lectures non stop from 8a.m untill 2.00 p.m…then gap one hour sambung plak tutor prof samat 3p.m untill 5p.m..hahh esk tutor prof samat???ohh no!!!the most horrible class!!! “bersedialah kamu sebelum kamu disediakan dgn berbagai soalan”…aiyaa..dah la class sblm tuu non stop…cam beku gak la kepala nii..masuk plak klass prof kat saat2 taim kul petang nii..haa pe maknanye??mata kene kuat la n mental of course la 100% must be prepared..klau de cotton bud or lidi kerr kene letak n tahan la kat kelopak mata ni yerr..huhu…administration of islamic law in malaysia..hahh pe lg this subject is more about history..kne la igt blik subject sejarah yg blajar taim spm dulu..about the straitss settlement, federated malay states, unfederated malay states, residential system, british colonisation period n so on …pas 2 soalan yg d tny prof plak x kan d temui jawapannye dlm texbook..sumenye bout history pluss general knowledge cam kne critis n critical thinking la..imagine class taim ptg2 kul 3 cani….blaja bab sejarah..tambah ngn lecture six hours non stop before that..n tambah plak ngn soalan yg memerlukan general knowledge…huhu…so cne??bestt x klass kami??bile kne soal tuu pandai2 r cover..jgn asyek duk ermm..ermmm..ermm..ermmm jekk..tapi proff ni die, bile kte nk try jwb soklan, die tny plak..why are you saying that?what are the reason behind that??on what ground?haa…dh la nk jwb 2 kne pk jwpnye pe…pas2 tny plak npe we are saying that n bla bla bla..
tutor company law pon sok gak…byk tutorial Q’s kne siapkan..admin class prof pom kne prepare sparuh maut…pepun takper2 takper…chaiyyok chayyok faraah…never give up..n bak kata org tuu “usaha tangga kejayaan”..hihi…n bak kata pujangga arab plak..”la taksal fannadamah ukba liman yatakasal”…jgn lah kamu malas krn sesunnguhnya penyesalan itu akan mengikuti sesiapa yg malas…haa... haihh berpujangga plak..k k k…dh dh esk klass kol 8 nii..nk tito da..kawan2 gud luck exam company law lusa ya…stadi jgn tak stadi…just two topics covered..bak kata miss fad “please do well n score high mark 4 this mid term exam because it just cover two chapters…there is no excuse that you cannot perform well…”haa bak kata upin ipin plak bettoll bettol bettol…k k k…babai…nk tido….ZZzzzzzz…

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